Re-investing where we live and work

At DigiCOPY, we strive to play a vital role within each community we serve. We support many community based organizations through donations, volunteers, sponsorships, and non-profit pricing. Here are just some of the ways we are re-investing where we live and work.


Saluting Our Veterans


"DigiCOPY printed and distributed more than 1000 complimentary Veterans Day cards to customers and community members in November. More than 150 cards and envelopes were distributed to St. Paul Lutheran School in Stevens Point, where kindergarten through 8th graders completed and mailed cards to King Veterans Home in Waupaca County."

Veterans Day


In honor of Veterans Day, DigiCOPY locations across Wisconsin distributed complimentary Veterans Day cards and envelopes to customers and community members. More than 1,000 red, white and blue Veterans Day cards were printed for distribution to individuals and groups.

"We are grateful for the dedicated service of our veterans and grateful for the loyal customers we have across Wisconsin," said Craig Shuler, DigiCOPY president and CEO. "We wished to share our gratitude by providing the complimentary Veterans Day cards…and for the cost of a stamp or the time it took to hand deliver a card, we are delighted Wisconsin expressed their 'thanks' to those neighbors, family members and friends who have served or continue to serve their country."

Mingle Event Raises $'s for Hospital Foundation


DigiCOPY was a proud sponsor of the 2018 Mingle event, benefitting the Memorial Medical Center Foundation in Neillsville. The annual October fundraiser featured the "Cowboy" theme in 2018 and DigiCOPY co-workers and guests played the part to the hilt. Yeehaw!!

St. Paul Lutheran 5K Color Run/Walk


St. Paul Lutheran Church in Stevens Point held their annual 5K Color Run/Walk on September 29th. DigiCOPY was a print sponsor for the event. A rainbow of colors filled Pfiffner Park along the Wisconsin River for the event!

Steppin' Out in Pink


On September 8th, DigiCOPY co-workers from the La Crosse store and corporate office participated in the 13th annual Steppin' Out in Pink walk to benefit breast cancer research, awareness programs and patient support services at Gundersen Health Systems.

From our Digital Design Specialist in Milwaukee


A customer came in to see if we could help him with his entry into the push cart race for Center Street Days. It was going to be a giant Pabst beer can built out of two hollow drums stacked vertically, hollow on the inside. He was daunted by the prospect of having to hand paint a giant beer can to look like a Pabst can, so he came in to see if we could print something that size. I found an image that didn't look too awful scaled to that size (36x68) and printed it on polypropylene.

My favorite part of my job is when someone comes in saying, 'This is probably impossible, but...' and we tell them we can do it. They look at you like you're some kind of wizard. I love bringing people's weird ideas to life, and seeing their reaction when they get the end result. Never a dull day doing graphic design at Digicopy!"

Walk Wisconsin

Walk Wisconsin

DigiCOPY was a proud sponsor of Walk Wisconsin, a non-competitive walking marathon event in Stevens Point/Portage County held on the 1st Saturday in June. More than 1400 participants walked a full, 1/2 or 1/4 marathon on the Green Circle Trail on June 2nd. DigiCOPY President/CEO Craig Shuler (left) and VP of Marketing & Communications Brant Bergeron (right) at the start of the 13.1 mile 1/2 marathon. To learn more about Walk Wisconsin and other events to help live a healthier life, go to

Bowl for Kids Sake in La Crosse

Bowl for Kids Sake in La Crosse

DigiCOPY is a proud sponsor of Big Brothers Big Sisters across Wisconsin. At the recent Bowl For Kids Sake in La Crosse, the InDIGIbles took to the lanes in support of the mentoring program in Western Wisconsin. Over $38,000 was raised to support their one-to-one mentoring programs for La Crosse area youth!

Kinky Boots Social in Wausau

Kinky Boots Social in Wausau

Central Wisconsin customers gathered at the Grand Theater in Wausau on May 2nd for a pre-production reception, then enjoyed Kinky Boots with the sold-out house. DigiCOPY was a proud sponsor of the Tony award winning production. Guests enjoyed food and refreshments and conversation before being WOWED by the performance. Thanks to the Grand Theater staff for their hospitality and to Rockman's Catering for their wonderful food.

Stevens Point Open House

Stevens Point Open House

Thanks to everyone who attended the grand re-opening/open house at the Stevens Point DigiCOPY store on April 26th. A special thanks to the Portage County Business Council Ambassadors for their help with the ribbon cutting and to Stevens Point Brewing Company for the donated Point beverages. DigiCOPY co-workers, including President & CEO Craig Shuler and store manager Nicky Brillowski cut the ribbon to the newly remodeled store.

Ambassador Commendation

Ambassador Commendation

PCBC Ambassador Pete Theisen presents Shuler with a special ambassador commendation during the open house celebration for the company's charity work in the community.

1st Flatbed Print job

1st Flatbed Print job

The Oce Arizona 318 flatbed printer has been installed at the DigiCOPY Eau Claire location, now serving customers across our entire company footprint, throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest. The first job came off the flatbed printer on April 17th and was revealed by Erich Seipel, Digital Design Specialist and Patrick Thoney, western Wisconsin Account Representative. "The Arizona flatbed printer features printing direct to substrates/media, like foam core, which is a first for DigiCOPY," said Eau Claire store manager Mike Gilles. "The printer also includes a roll media option for printing of banners and adhesives. The print is UV cured providing durable, long-term, outdoor use - perfect for point of purchase displays and outdoor signage," he adds.

Kinky Boots Sponsorship

Kinky Boots Sponsorship

DigiCOPY is a proud sponsor of Kinky Boots at The Grand Theater in Wausau on May 2nd. As part of the promotion, the actual Kinky Boots made their way around Wausau...and VP of Marketing & Communication Brant Bergeron had the honor to don the pair at the Wausau DigiCOPY location. See the entire video at

MIAD Open House in Milwaukee

MIAD Open House in Milwaukee

Staff from MIAD, the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, toured the Erie store on March 20 to learn more about our capabilities and how we serve staff and students.

Pajamas & Pins

Pajamas & Pins

It was "Pajamas & Pins" at the 2018 Bowl For Kids Sake, supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Wisconsin on Friday, February 23rd. Three teams of DigiCOPY co-workers, friends and family members took to the lanes to raise money for the mentoring program. To learn more about being a mentor in Central Wisconsin, go to

DigiCOPY Supports the Phoenix


Green Bay area customers enjoyed a pre-game social and UWGB Women's Basketball Game on February 1, 2018. "Phlash" the Phoenix stopped by for a photo op during the event in the Kress Center. DigiCOPY is a proud sponsor of UWGB Women's Basketball.

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