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At DigiCOPY, we strive to play a vital role within each community we serve. We support many community based organizations through donations, volunteers, sponsorships, and non-profit pricing. Here are just some of the ways we are re-investing where we live and work.
St. John's Restoring Hope Gala

On the evening of November 2, DigiCOPY co-workers and customers participated in the annual St. John's Restoring Hope Gala, supporting the St. John's Homeless Shelter in Green Bay. The sold out event (700+ participants) at the Radisson Hotel, raised money to support the shelter and directly impact the lives of homeless men and women in the Green Bay community. DigiCOPY was also a proud sponsor of the gala and of the homeless shelter print needs year round.
2nd Annual Spine Project

The 2nd Annual Spine Project Corn Hole/Bags Tournament was held at the Green Bay Distillery on November 2, raising funds for the non-profit supporting veterans in the area.
For more than a decade, Dr. Skip Wyss and Dr. Julie Wyss have donated their time, service, and dedication to selflessly serving our local veterans and active military. To be able to expand this mission and serve more of our community and active service men and women, they have started a not-for-profit charity, The Spine Project.
DigiCOPY was the proud print sponsor of the event and fielded a team...Dave and Brant represented, but finished the day with one win and two losses. A great time was had by all the participants and those there to support the teams and the event.
Rawhide Main Event

DIGICOPY is a proud sponsor of the inaugural Rawhide Main Event held Oct. 24 in the Lambeau Field atrium. Money raised supports mentoring and training programs for youth at Rawhide in New London. Circus - themed excitement for the hundreds of guests. We are privileged to support non profit organizations doing great work across the state.

Milwaukee's only fundraising hike for urban nature IN urban nature. Thanks to the DigiCOPY co-workers, family members and friends who participated in the Urban Ecology Center's HKE MKE on Sunday the 29th of September in Milwaukee. A little rain didn't dampen the spirits of the participants.
Steppin' Out in Pink

La Crosse co-workers participated in the annual Steppin' Out in Pink walk on Saturday, September 7th, to support the Gundersen Health System Foundation and breast cancer survivors in the La Crosse area. More than 5,800 people participated in the event. DigiCOPY was an in-kind print sponsor.
Center for Urban Teaching Trivia Night

DigiCOPY was a sponsor of and participant in the 2nd annual Center for Urban Teaching (CfUT) Trivia night at St. Augustine Prep in Milwaukee. The trivia theme was "Decades".
The Center for Urban Teaching is an independent, Christian non-profit organization that identifies, prepares, and supports high-performing urban teacher and leaders for choice, charter, and public schools.
3D...DigiCOPY Dominates Decades (trivia) took 3rd place out of 20 teams at the event. Plenty of fun, while raising money for a great cause...education!!
For more information on CfUT, go to http://cfut.org/
Cornerstone Press

Cornerstone Press, uwsp.edu/cornerstone a student-staffed publishing company at UW-Stevens Point, launched the first book in its new Portage Poetry Series on April 4. On March 27th, members of the class toured DigiCOPY in Stevens Point...the printer of the paper-back books. Students saw the book pages printed on the Xerox iGEN printer, then book blocked, bound and trimmed into the finished product. Regional Account Manager Chris Berndt, DigiCOPY store manager Nicky Brillowski and customer service representative Shelly Martin demonstrated the book publishing equipment and the role we play in their publishing project.
Cornerstone Press, established in 1984, is made up by students in the Editing and Publishing courses offered each semester at UW-Stevens Point. It operates with the support of the English Department. Students have hands-on experiences in all aspects of publishing, from editing to marketing the finished product. DigiCOPY is proud to be part of the student experience at UWSP!
Never Forgotten Honor Flight

DigiCOPY large format print at work in the community...the student council at PJ Jacobs Junior High School in Stevens Point has spent 2019 raising funds for the Never Forgotten Honor Flight neverforgottenhonorflight.com and needed an oversize check to present to the veterans group in April.
The PJ student council had raised $4000 for the Honor Flight, enough money to send 8 veterans to visit the memorials in their honor in Washington DC.
One call to DigiCOPY, and the megacheck, customized for the school, was put into production.
Congratulations to PJ Jacobs for their great work in the community and for Honor Flight for the fitting tribute to our veterans.
Bowling for Kids in Stevens Point and Green Bay

DigiCOPY co-workers and family members and friends supported Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Stevens Point and Green Bay by bowling at the annual Bowl for Kids Sake events on February 22nd. DigiCOPY is a longtime supporter of BBBS and its mentoring programs.
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